Monday, April 25, 2011

End of 2010/2011

4 more weeks, after this week, and another school year will come to a close. Wow! It's been an eventful year for me and my family. I have changed my ENTIRE life - it's so drastically different than this time last year. It baffles my mind when I sit down and think about it!

I will soon see Ben graduate(so excited & proud) and then see Anna marry (so thrilled and happy) and then travel to Spain and France. All the hard work from the past 8-10 months will come to a culmination. Thank you Lord for getting me through it. As with everything in my life, my God is my strength and foundation.

It's TAKS week which is good and bad. Good because it's a break from our regular rigor & stress but bad because it brings a different type of stress. A stress that involves following MANY rules & regulations and following them to the "T". It also means reading lots of manuals and making sure we know everything about TAKS (and know it WELL!). P-R-E-S-S-U-R-E!!!

I am thankful to be a teacher though. It's my heart and even with the pressures and stresses, I would trade it for the world! The students and their varied & different personalities make my job worth it EVERY DAY! I am blessed!

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